Friday, April 13, 2018

Most Popular Stories of Mongabay Latam, April 2 -8

These are the most popular stories of Mongabay Latam from April 2 -8. The oil spill in Colombia is an ongoing environmental disaster. The search for the causes of the tragedy and the work to save affected animals were the most read stories of the week. The image above, a spectacular vista of the Grand Canyon in Colorado from the vast Mongabay Latam archive, was the most popular on Latam’s social networks. Oil spill in Colombia: the environmental emergency continues and the causes are unknown The crude oil spill extends for 24 km in the La Lizama and CaƱo Muerto tributaries in western Colombia. Image credit: Journalists for Peace Foundation. A mysterious, month-long oil spill is finally under control, but the effect of more than an estimated 16,000 barrels of crude oil are still being felt, notably in a tributary of Colombia’s most important river, the Magdalena . While the country’s state oil company, Ecopetrol, waits for the arrival of US equipment to determine why an abandoned oil well suddenly exploded, a troubling hypothesis points to pressures from a new hydroelectric dam. Bolivia: Why is the Sama Reserve in danger? The Tajzara basin in the Sama Reserve. Image credit: National Service of Protected Areas (Bolivia). Overgrazing, highway construction and intense, prolonged droughts are wreaking significant impact on the fragile ecosystem of the Sama plateau. Water is the most affected resource, despite the reserve’s status as a protected area and an internationally important wetland. A nearby city could lose its primary…

from Conservation news

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